Casey White Sign



Help Shape Our Schools

As a candidate for the Shawnee School Board, I am committed to fostering an environment where every voice is heard. I value hearing your concerns/questions and appreciate your input. This submission is completely anonymous unless you choose to provide your information.

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Casey White

About Me tl;dr

Personal Introduction

Hello! My name is Casey White. Although I was born in Chicago in 1991, I arrived in Shawnee within just a month of my birth—and I’ve called this place home ever since. Shawnee means the world to me, and I see it remaining my home for many years to come.

Connection to Shawnee

Growing up, I spent much of my childhood biking all around Shawnee—through Boy Scout Park, down Highland Street, around Woodland Veterans Park, along Kickapoo, Acme Road, and 45th, all the way to the old dirt ramps behind the Brown Derby Drive-In. I’ve worked at the mall (Mobile Mobile), Chili’s, McDonald’s, and Fresenius, to name just a few. My love for this community is deeply rooted, and my connection is truly “Shawnee strong.”

Professional/Educational Background

I currently serve as a Senior Data Engineer at ADP, where I lead the vulnerability management program for endpoints across a global enterprise. I hold a B.S. in Software Development and an M.S. in IT Management. In addition, I serve on the board at Home Church. I believe my technical background, combined with the life lessons I’ve learned along the way, can bring valuable insight and positive impact to students, teachers, staff, and the greater Shawnee Public School System.

Family & Personal Values

My wife, Whitney White, and I have been married for nine years, and we have two wonderful children—ages six and four—both attending Shawnee Public Schools. If elected, my hope is that one day they’ll look back and be proud of the contributions I’ve made for their friends, teachers, classmates, and our community. I value transparency, honesty, innovation, and accountability. While I know it’s impossible to make everyone happy all the time, I’ll do everything in my power to treat every individual with respect and fairness.

Why I'm Running and My Vision

While I didn’t have a perfect childhood, I still remember the teachers who made a positive impact on my life. My wife taught for nine years at Will Rogers, and she is now pursuing a Master’s degree in Counseling. I couldn’t be more proud of her, and her career move has opened the door for me to serve our community by running for the school board.
My vision is to grow the “organics” of Shawnee Public Schools first—the spirit, the culture, the relationships—because metrics alone mean little if there’s no real substance behind them. And if we have substance with no results, we’re missing the full picture. Let’s do both.

Together, we can make Shawnee schools a model for others in Oklahoma


Name & Roots: Casey White, arrived in Shawnee as an infant, grew up biking around town, worked various local jobs.

Professional/Education: Senior Data Engineer at ADP, holds a B.S. in Software Development and an M.S. in IT Management; also serves on the board at Home Church.

Family & Values Married for nine years with two children in Shawnee Public Schools, values transparency, honesty, innovation, and accountability.

Why Running: Inspired by memorable teachers and his wife’s experience teaching at Will Rogers; wants to strengthen Shawnee’s school culture and ensure there’s both substance and measurable success.

Vision: Make Shawnee Public Schools a model for Oklahoma by focusing on community, growth, and results.

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Casey White Yard Sign